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Denver Astronomical Society

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash.

Looking for an affordable activity that will give you access to the stars? The University of Denver’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory welcomes people of all ages and experience levels to make a reservation for an engaging multi-media astronomy presentation by a Denver Astronomical Society lecturer. Events are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Weather permitting, attendees can also peer through the observatory’s large refractor telescope. Admission is $4 for adults and $3 for students. Continue reading to learn more about the Denver Astronomical Society.

History of The Denver Astronomical Society

The Denver Astronomical Society (DAS) boasts a rich history that dates back to its founding in 1949. Established by a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers, the society aimed to foster a community for those passionate about observing and studying the night sky. From its inception, DAS has been dedicated to promoting astronomy through education, outreach, and public engagement. The society's early years were marked by a series of informal gatherings and star parties, where members could share their knowledge and experience while using their telescopes to explore celestial objects. Over time, DAS grew in membership and reputation, becoming a central hub for astronomical activities in the Denver area.

A significant milestone in the history of the Denver Astronomical Society was its association with the University of Denver’s Historic Chamberlin Observatory. Built in 1894, the observatory became an integral part of DAS’s mission, providing a historic and iconic venue for its events and programs. The partnership allowed DAS to expand its outreach efforts, offering regular public nights, educational programs, and special events that attracted thousands of visitors annually. The observatory’s 20-inch Alvan Clark-Saegmuller refractor telescope, one of the largest in the region, has been a key attraction, enabling both members and the public to experience the wonders of the universe firsthand. Today, the Denver Astronomical Society continues to thrive, honoring its legacy while embracing new technologies and methodologies to inspire future generations of astronomers.

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